Assimilating Aerosol Optical Depth from Sentintel 5p Tropomi Sensor

Submitted by joseph.a.zammit on Wed, 06/30/2021 - 02:41


Dear all,

I am conducting research on predicting dust storms over the Mediterranean region. The project aims to use data from the TROPOMI sensors of Sentinel 5p and WRF-Chem. 

The idea is to use the Aerosol Optical Data from Sentinel 5p and assimilate it into the initial conditions for a regional domain covering the Sahara desert. The WRF-Chem model has a global domain and a nested domain comprising of the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean region. The data from the Sentinel5p is in NetCdf format

I would appreciate if you could tell if this may be achieved i.e. Assimilating AOD data into WRF via GSI. Do I need to extract the data from the NetCdf file and change it to another format before running the assimilation process? I have been going through the GSI use manual to see the method how to go about it but some tips/ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot,


Joseph A. Zammit

Hi Joseph,


Yes, the AOD data can be assimilated but would need to be in BUFR format. You can find a lot of information about BUFR on the DTC GSI website, however it may not be an easy process and will require some effort to find the right way to encode the files. If possible it would be best to find other AOD data encoded BUFR files to use as an example as you attempt the formatting. You will also want to become familiar with the read_aerosol routines in the GSI source code, as that will be your guide to know how GSI ingests and uses the data. Good luck!

