Assimilation of AOD and PM2.5 with WRF-CHEM GOCART

Submitted by sheng-lun.tai on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 14:38


Just wanted to reach out to you about the status of assimilation of AOD and PM2.5 in GSI by coupling with WRF-CHEM GOCART. I plan to perform some of the experiments like what have been done in this article, but heard that the AOD assimilation might be broken in v3.7. Therefore, I am writing this message to inquire the current status of aerosol assimilation in GSI. Hoping any of you could guide me in finding a path that allows experiment to be conducted without major technical issue. Thanks in advance!

Hi Sheng-lun,


The v3.7 can work with WRF-CHEM GOCART and PM2.5. Here is the on-line tutorial case you can try:

GSI can run 3DVAR analysis using WRF-CHEM GOCART background with AOD but we didn't test this option for the release v3.7. It is quite possible that this option needs some code changes for release v3.7.


If you are planning to use the current GitHub version, which includes lots of updates in the past two years after v3.7 release, you can check if the current master branch has regression test for WRF-CHEM GOCART with PM2.5 and AOD.  The master branch should work with the configuration that has been tested with one of the regression test suite case.

We also suggest you to contact the article authors to see if they have synced their code with the community GSI/EnKF repository. If so, you can find the same version of the code through checking out the code when the syncing happened.










Hi Ming,

Thanks for your response. I wonder if there was any major update particularly on AOD and PM2.5 assimilation in released v3.7? If not, I guess it would work fine for my application to use older versions like v3.5 or v3.6 if the relevant code needs less change. Meanwhile, I'll approach the authors for more details.





I don't think there were major updates on AOD and PM2.5 assimilation between release v3.7 and v3.6.

But it is better if you can compare two release versions to make sure v3.6 does not miss something.

I think you need to compare:

  • read_aerosol.f90
  • read_anowbufr.f90
  • setupaod.f90
  • setuppm2_5.f90
  • stpaod.f90
  • stppm2_5.f90
  • intaod.f90
  • intpm2_5.f90


