Compiling HWRF

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 06/01/2021 - 14:14

With HWRF from my understanding WRF-NMM had to be compiled first. It was compiled using gfortran. When trying to compile the hwrf utilities there were some errors regarding not being able to open the module netcdf. Is intel or PGI compilers needed to compile the hwrf-utilities? If yes does WRF-NMM need to be compiled with those same compilers? 
Aniya Tyson 

Also, after uploading the netcdf module, how can I specify the netcdf variable to point to the module that was uploaded. 
Aniya Tyson

Hi, Aniya,

Yes, the netCDF library is required. Here is the instruction on the setting up of the compiling environment (e.g., page 15):

Most of the time same compiling environments are required, if they use same libraries or share same subroutines. WRF should be compiled first.

