the surface observation GSI assimilates

Submitted by huihuojia on Tue, 05/18/2021 - 07:23

Does GSI assimilate surface T/Q/UV observation besides the Ps observation? 

I did a data assimilation at 0600 UTC when there is no radiosonde observation. Then I checked "Jo table" in the "stdout" file, and found that there is NO temperature/moisture observation assimilated. Does it mean GSI does not assimilate surface T/Q observation, since there are surface pressure (Ps) observations assimilated which means there are available surface observations?



This doesn't sound right to me. Would you mind checking the relevant areas of the fort files for t/q to check for assimilation status, as well as verifying those entries in your convinfo/namelist to make sure what you intend to assimilate is turned on?



